Agenda item

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2016/17


Committee received an overview of the Report of the Corporate Directors’ Group in relation to the Revenue Budget Monitoring for 2016/17.   Members then raised the following:


·                      What were the reasons behind the overspends in both Margam Park and parking and were advised that in relation to Margam Park – the anticipated income from filming, in the region of £55k had not been realised, however a contract had been secured for the next financial year. Negotiations were ongoing in relation to the future of Twyn Yr Hydd while the Orangery was doing well but needed to be monitored closely.  In relation to parking, Members were advised that charges had been reduced earlier in the financial year and whilst there were still fixed costs, income had been reduced.

·                      Costs in relation to the increasing external provision of Domiciliary Care were raised and the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing advised that there had historically a double handling of cases and an overprovision of service.  This had now been addressed;

·                      Members asked whether the underspend on staff within childrens’ services was putting a strain on the current workforce.  The Director of Social Services, Health and Housing advised that this was not the case as there was a strict limit of 15 cases per social worker together with a fall in the number of children being taken into care, as a result of successful early intervention.  He confirmed that there were a few vacancies within the service, however there were no plans to reduce the level of staffing;


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.