Agenda item



Cabinet Board Reports


The Committee scrutinised the following items:


6.1 Quarterly Performance Management Data 2016/2017 – Quarter 2 Performance (1st April 2016 – 30th September)


Members considered the quarterly performance management report.


Members asked what was meant by the statement relating to exceptions and Officers stated that the exceptions were cases where there were issues outside of the Council’s control. In addition Members asked what period was referred to when issuing new statements and it was confirmed it was a calendar year.


Members noted that there had been an increase in personal callers at both Civic Centres and what the reason was for this. Officers stated that generally it was mainly attributed to environment related service requests such as recycling equipment and it was suggested that this figure could increase again next April or May depending on when the  next phase/roll out of Recycle Plus takes place.


Members asked whether the figure for school exclusions was true as it was a zero. It was confirmed that this was in relation to permanent exclusions and not temporary exclusions.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


6.2    Welsh Language Standards


Members considered a report that provided an update on a response received from the Welsh Language Commissioner to the challenge submitted by the Council in respect of the standards the Council considers being unreasonable.


Members stated that they still had concerns about the standard in relation to road signs and it was potentially dangerous. Officers confirmed that the response from the Commissioner was that ever type of road was potentially a health and safety issue and did not agree with the Council’s thoughts on this issue.


Following Scrutiny the report was noted.


6.3    Strategic Equality Plan 2015/2016

Members consider the Annual report on the Strategic Equality Plan.


Members noted that there appeared to have been a 20% reduction in Domestic Abuse and asked whether this was because awareness had risen. Officers confirmed that they have no evidence as to what the reason was.


Officers continued that a Domestic Violence Strategy will come forward for consideration in the New Year that has been developed by a group that now also considers violence against women and sexual exploitation. Members were advised that there had been a change in attitude towards Domestic Abuse and people are now more willing to report it.


Members asked were Equality Impact Assessments being completed fully across the Council and it was confirmed that there is still work to be done on this area and there may be a need to undertake additional staff training but this is budget reliant.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.