Agenda item

Customer Services Service Report Card


Members considered the Customers Services Report Cards in relation to the One Stop Shop and the Contact Centre.


Members asked why there had been a decrease in overall demand for services mainly via the telephone and it was confirmed that this was mainly because of the increase in online service requests particularly in relation to Environment services with residents ordering refuse/recycling equipment online and Members were advised that this is in keeping with the Digital by Choice agenda).


Members asked for an update on the progress being made on the services priorities. Officers confirmed that steady progress was being made on all the priorities including the introduction of a business continuity process that now allows staff to interchange between the 3 different sites.


Officers advised that customer satisfaction is recorded by contacting customers after they have contacted the Council to obtain feedback and establish whether they are satisfied with the service they have received.


It was suggested that in the current economic climate there was no need to employ two specific welsh speakers but officers stated that the demand was there and the decision justified.


Members welcomed the fact that the main Council Contact Centre number was now one number with callers being able to select whether they wishes to progress the conversation in English or Welsh


Members asked why there were 4,000 abandoned calls a year. It was confirmed by officers that the reasons are not known as customers may just hang up because they do not wish to wait at that busy time and/or will ring again later.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


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