Agenda item

Application No: P2016/0320 - Change of use from former lorry park to caravan/motorhome storage and servicing together with ancillary sales. Former Lorry Park, Tata Steel, Cefn Gwrgan Road, Margam, Port Talbot. SA13 2PT.


At this point in the meeting Cllr.R.G.Jones relinquished the Chair and addressed the Committee as Local Ward Member.

Cllr. E.E.Jones substituted as Chairperson.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application as detailed in the circulated report.



That contrary to Officer Recommendation as detailed in the circulated report, the application be approved (with delegated authority given to Officers to include appropriate conditions to control the use and visual impacts) on the following grounds:


Having regard to Policy SC1 (1) and paragraph 3.0.17 of the Local Development Plan, the proposed use would provide the significant employment opportunities as set out in Policy SC1 necessary to justify such development outside but adjacent to the settlement boundary.


Supporting documents: