Agenda item



The Committee Scrutinised the Following Private Matters


Cabinet Board Proposals


9.1    Celtic Leisure Presentation


Members received a presentation from representative of Celtic Leisure.


Members were asked to note the increase in new business that was generally down to the opening of the Aberavon Sea Front Leisure facility.


Celtic Leisure stated that since the opening of the new leisure facility there had been high demand for swimming lessons and on occasion’s children as old as 13 had enrolled on beginner courses.


Members asked whether budget gyms affected the new facility and it was confirmed that they are aware of the competition but that they re-invest any profits into facilities so that people will only want to use them.


Members asked whether it was difficult to cut management costs and not decrease current standards. Celtic Leisure stated that they need to push forward and increase their income so that standards are maintained and costs not cut. An example was in relation to the Gwyn Hall where they must be astute because any cost cutting could result in the loss of opportunities to premier films as they are released.


Following scrutiny the presentation was noted.


9.2 Verbal Update


Members were asked to note that a previous contract in relation to digital advertising schemes that the Council had been interested in had now fallen through as the original company had been taken over by another who had no interest in the Contract. Officers would investigate alternatives.