Agenda item

School Based Counselling Service Report Card


Members received an overview of the School Based Counselling Service Report Card as detailed within the circulated report.


Members asked whether primary school children can access the service.  Officers explained that funding is only available to provide the statutory service as set out by the Welsh Government which provides for Year 6 pupils upwards.  In addition, younger children need different approaches such as alternative play therapies rather than the service provided for older children.


Officers also confirmed that referrals to the Counselling Services can be made via the website and that 65% of all referrals are self-referred. 


Members also asked whether Counselling is provided in the medium of Welsh.  Officers explained that the service is provided in Welsh schools delivered by a counsellor who has some Welsh language skills and is following a study programme to improve these skills and work in taking place to increase numbers within other schools.


Also, queried was the length of waiting times to receive the service.  It was explained that the waiting times vary according to the time of year as there are identified seasonal fluctuations.  The report card identified that data will be collected regarding waiting times and will be used to baseline future service targets as well as future service delivery such as with a review on-going looking at the similarity of issues presented by young people so that a variety of ways could be developed to deliver the service.



Following scrutiny, that the report was noted.





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