Agenda item

BSBP Apr-Sept 2016 Highlight Report


Members received an overview of the Corporate Improvement Objective Better Schools, Brighter Prospects Highlight Report – Quarter 2 (April 2016 – September 2016, that provided a progress update for the first six months of 2016-17 as detailed in the circulated report.


It was highlighted that work is continuing on the Strategic School Improvement Programme (SSIP).  Business Cases have been submitted to Welsh Government in regard to Ysgol Newydd Margam and Ysgol Ystalyfera responses are currently awaited.


Also, Officers reported that the new addition to Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera Comprehensive School is very impressive and Members asked that arrangements be made to convene a future meeting of Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Committee on site.


In addition, plans are progressing on the new primary school build in Briton Ferry with tenders for construction being sought currently.


Members asked in the light of the economic climate and the effect on the housing market was there an impact on the development of the new school in Coed Darcy.  Officers explained that contained within the conditions of the planning consent was a Section 106 agreement which states that further housing development cannot take place without the provision of the new school and although the timescale of opening the new school has been delayed until 2019 discussion are taking place with the developer on the design of the school.  Also, there are enough places within Crymlyn and Coedffranc Primary Schools to cater for any increase in school numbers at present.


Also, it was explained that although there are no designated family rooms within new school builds due to the accommodation criteria set by the Welsh Government there are flexible rooms that could accommodate a variety of uses.


Members noted that although school attendance in both primary and secondary schools has overall increased from previous years the latest figures show a very slight decrease but not all data has been collated.  An update report will be submitted for consideration at the next meeting of Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Committee on the 5th January 2017.

Members also queried whether schools are able to deal with children with special educational needs since the withdrawal of the Education Other than at School Service (EOTAS).  Officers explained that schools have been provided with additional support and training which is ongoing and plans are in place to continue increasing the capacity within schools as part of the authority’s long term plan.  Also, continued monitoring is taking place with a review scheduled for a future date.


Members asked what plans are in place to raise the standards of the Welsh Language in schools where Welsh is a second language.  Officers explained that work is ongoing but there is a lack of funding to enable additional teachers to be recruited.  Education through Regional Working (ERW) is aware of the issues and the authority is looking at options for increasing the numbers of teachers that can teach Welsh. Also, Welsh Government targets do not always reflect the composition of the individual authorities that has an impact on the figures.


Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.




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