Agenda item

Alleged Public Footpaths - Community of Neath


Members noted that Decision 7 should read ‘Rookwood Close’ instead of ‘Rook Close’.




1.              B-C-G-H-J-K-N-O-S-B (The Circular Route)

That a Modification Order be made to include the length of footpath B-C-G-H-J-K-N-O-S-B to the Definitive Map and Statement, and should no objections be received to confirm the same as an unopposed order.


2.              A-B

That a Modification Order be made to include the length of footpath A-B to the Definitive Map and Statement, and should no objections be received to confirm the same as an unopposed order.


3.              K-L-M (Link to The Meadows)

That a Modification Order be made to add the length of path between points K-L-M to the Definitive Map and Statement, and should no objections be received to confirm the same as an unopposed order.


4.              O-P and N-P (Link to Woodview)

That a Modification Order be made to add the two paths O-P and N-P to the Definitive Map and statement and should no objections be received to confirm the same as an unopposed order.


5.              C-D-F-T (Link to Gnoll Drive and Gnoll Avenue via Memorial Gates)

That a Modification Order be made to add the path C-D-F-T as a public footpath only, to the Definitive Map and Statement, and should no objections be received to confirm the same as an unopposed order.


6.              C-U (Gnoll to Cimla Crescent)

That no Modification Order be made regarding the length C-U.


7.              D-E (Link to Rookwood Close and Cimla Road)

That no Modification Order be made regarding the length D-E.


8.              Q-R and Q-S (Link from Castle Road)

That no Modification Order be made for either of the paths Q-R nor Q-S.


Reason for Decisions:


The reasons for each decision are detailed within the circulated report.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.




This item has been subject to external consultation.


Supporting documents: