Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective - Prosperity for All - Highlight Report - Quarter Two 2016-2017


Members considered the Quarter 2 highlight report in relation to the Corporate Improvement Objective – Prosperity for All.


Officers highlighted issues around homelessness and that the Council has a statutory obligation to take people in who present themselves as homeless. The concern is that there have been a number of incidents where individuals have presented themselves and have shown through different incidents that they have mental health issues. Officers continued that it was unfortunate that the service does not have the expertise to deal with these individuals from a health perspective.


Members were advised that following an earlier review the units at  Beuafort House had reduced from 11 to 7. This enabled the service to be mindful of anyone with mental health issues and they could be signposted to an alternative service.


Members asked whether there was an increased pressure on the service. Officers confirmed that there had been little or no increase in that there are still just over 2000 individuals presenting themselves as homeless every year. Members were advised that while the service continues to deliver with diminishing resources it does constantly look at other areas of the directorate to see where they can assist and to increase resilience.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.

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