Agenda item



Members considered the draft Annual Report for 2017/2018 from the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) which was published in October.


Officers highlighted to Members that the panel had chosen to make same changes to certain determinations including a very modest increase to the basic salary for elected members.


The 0.75% increase is the first for three years and follows the slight easing of restraint in the pay of public sector employees. In addition the panel has decided to introduce arrangements to recognise the implications of long term sickness of senior salary holders.


Within their report the panel also outlined how they have made changes to provide more flexibility for authorities without undermining the principle of prescribing payments which still has continuing support.


To accompany the publication of the draft annual report 2017/18, the panel have also conducted a series of regional consultation meetings. In relation to the South West Wales meeting Members were informed that the Vice-Chair of the Committee attended along with the Electoral and Democratic Services Manager to maintain full engagement with panel members.


In relation to the panel’s determinations on long term sickness absence Members queried how any sickness absence would be publicised. It was explained by the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services that any long term absence must be agreed by Council so there would be a record of any such dispensation. In addition, it was highlighted that the relevant group leader would need to make arrangements to cover any local case work for the relevant Member.


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