Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:-


Cabinet Board Proposals


          Report from the Children and Young People Services     Improvement Member Panel on the Social Work Teams 2015/16


          Cllr.L.H.James, Cllr.A.R.Woolcock, and Cllr.J.D.Morgan (Committee Member) attended today’s meeting to give an overview of the visits they undertook with the Social Work Teams within 2015/16 as detailed in the circulated report.


          Officers said that the Improvement Member Panel was leading the way in Wales and has been very effective in engaging with staff.  Also, it has been a very important part of the Improvement Plan and that the Care Social Services Inspectorate for Wales had highlighted the work that the Panel had undertaken as a very important part of the progress Children’s Services has made.


          Chairperson, thanked the Panel for all they work they had undertaken. 


          Members also noted that the Panel asked that their appreciation be forwarded to Ms.C.Gadd who had provided support to the Panel since it was established.


          Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.


          Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (Permission to Consult)


          The Committee received an overview of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2017-2020 as detailed in the circulated report.


          Members noted that the (WESP) 2017-2020 after the Consultation has been completed on the 30th December 2016 will return to Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Board on the 25th January 2017 with the results of the consultation.


          Members were concerned that the authority needed to start preparing work if it is to achieve the targets set by the Welsh Government of a million Welsh Speakers by 2050 and that the WESP should contain more detail of how its going to achieve these targets.


          Members asked whether consideration had been given to the contents of a survey undertaken in 2013 that identified an increased need for additional Welsh Medium School places and Nursery School places.  Also, the schools location is important in encouraging pupils to attend Welsh Medium Schools.


          Officers confirmed that they would consider the results of the survey and note the issues raised today.  In addition, Officers are happy to meet with Members to discuss their concerns.


          It was also confirmed that Members of the Public are part of the consultation and that paper copies are provided to schools to enable parents to be involved.  In addition partners and groups as detailed in the circulated report are also consulted on the WESP.


          Members asked whether there was additional funding available from the Welsh Government as part of the implementation of the WESP.  Officer confirmed that this has been raised with the Welsh Government.


          Officer gave a verbal clarification to the recommendations contained within the circulated report as follows:


          That approval be granted to go out for consultation on the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2017-2020 for eight weeks commencing the beginning of November until December 30th 2016.


          Following Scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals being considered by Cabinet Board.



          Western Bay Youth Offending Board Quarter 1 Data Report


          Members received an overview of the Western Bay Youth Offending Board Quarter 1 Data Report for the period April 2016 to June 2016 as detailed in the circulated report.


          It was highlighted that since Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea Youth Offending Teams merged in 2014 performance has been overall good and there has been a reduction of children and young people entering the Youth Justice Service due to the work undertaken to reduce First Time Entrants.


          In addition, a pilot has been developed between Hillside and South Wales Police NPT locality team to reduce the number of children and young people being arrested as a result of their challenging behaviour.  After the pilot has been evaluated it will feed into a protocol for Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea.


           It was highlighted that a variety of work streams are being developed to reduce re-offending within a small number of young offenders which should in future show an improvement in this area.


          Members asked whether there had been any concerns to the service in the light of the vacant post in the Child, Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Service within the team.  Officer explained that no one had been appointed by ABMU to the vacant post within the team but that ABMU was carrying out a scoping exercise and that information will be available after that identifying what the needs are and what mitigating measures are being put in place.  A progress report on  CAMHS will be brought to a future Scrutiny Committee for Members consideration.


          It was also queried if the School Beat Policy is monitored by the Youth Offending Team (YOT). Officers said that the YOT is aware of the policy and the Youth Offending Team and schools work closely together which has been very effective.


          Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.


          Workforce Profile – Children and Young People Service


          The Committee received an overview of the Workforce Profile of Children and Young People Services as detailed in the circulated report.


          It was highlighted that presently there are no concerns relating to the workforce within Childrens’ Services and that the improvements have continued with only one vacancy within the service and three agency workers who are employed to cover maternity leave.  Morale was very high within the service.  A staff survey questionnaire has been circulated within the service and the results of the survey will be brought back to Committee in due course.


          Members asked what was the circumstances that prevented exit interviews being undertaken with some staff.  Officers explained that staff who leave on certain criteria for example ill health are not expected to complete the exit interview.


          Officers also, confirmed for Members that there is a discount scheme already available for all staff to access.


          Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.