Agenda item

Education Development - Gypsy Travellers Service Report Card


The Committee received an overview of the Service Report Card for the Traveller Education Service as detailed within the circulated report.


It was highlighted that due to the transient nature of the service gathering data can be very difficult and to assist with the varied support the team gives to traveller families and partner agencies an additional 1.5 posts have been created.


Members asked whether this additional support would strengthen the resilience of the team in providing support to schools when there are absences within the team and the support in schools is affected..  Officers explained the additional staff would enable the team to cover absences and school support will continue.


Members asked if there were any additional funding available to support this work. Officers also explained that the service is funded by Grants and that there is no additional funding available.  The focus is currently on supporting children to attend secondary school which requires one to one support from the team which has shown a level of improvement in this area.  Children who are primary school age do not need the same level of support as secondary school children.


Members appreciated all the work that the Traveller Education Service provides and asked that their Thanks be cascaded to all the staff in the team.


Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.

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