Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective - Digital by Choice - Highlight Report - Quarter 2 progress report (April 1st - 30th September) 2016-17


The Committee received information in relation to the Corporate Improvement Objective ‘Digital by Choice’ for the period between April 1st to the 30th September 2016 as contained within the circulated highlight report.


Members noted that the priorities are on track to be delivered. Work is progressing well with making the Council’s website easier to use and work is ongoing to make more services available online this year. Members were pleased to note that 97% of the website is available in Welsh with most of the remaining pages are in the process of being translated.


Members observed that as per last year, a decrease in visitors to the one stop shops is expected as customers access alternative service request channels. However it was noted that during quarter 2 this year there has been an increase in the number of personal callers to both the one stop shop sites which could be attributed to the service changes in refuse and recycling.


Members noted the ongoing work in relation to the Digital Inclusion Charter which was approved in May 2016 which will assist more people to become digitally included and enjoy the benefits that they can experience from being online. Work to upskill staff in relation to digital literacy is also progressing within the Council and in partnership with the Third Sector and Town and Community Councils.


Members were very pleased to hear that a ‘Google Garage’ will be taking place in November 2016 linked to the Enterprise Zone which will offer free sessions to small/medium businesses providing surgeries in relation to the benefits of getting online.


In relation to the devices being used to access the NPT website, Members asked for further information in relation to those who use ‘mobile’ devices. It was hoped that as 3G and 4G access improves so will the access via such devices. Members noted how the analytics available provide valuable data; for example in a recent survey 50% of those accessing the NPT website were in the 60-74 age bracket and did so via fixed PC computers and this sort of information can allow the Council to target its work going forward.


Members commented that while the work on the Internet is progressing there remains issues with the navigation and accessibility of the Intranet.


Members praised the work being done to progress this priority and looked forward to being kept updated particularly in relation to the Working Groups set up.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.

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