Agenda item

Benefit Services and Internal Audit Report Cards


Members received information in relation to the Housing Benefits and Financial Assessments Service as contained within the circulated report card.


Members heard about the scale of the work of the section and how the section is responsible for the assessment and payment of approximately £54 million in housing benefit to 13,000 tenants.

Members observed that in 15/16 102,000 new claims or adjustments to existing housing benefit and council tax support claims were actioned and there were a total of 21 local authority errors resulting in an overpayment where the claimant wasn’t a contributor. As a result of these errors the amount overpaid (and hence not recoverable) was only 0.01% of the total money paid out. 


Members noted the ongoing priorities of the section which include ensuring the effective and efficient introduction of Universal Credit from the Authority’s perspective and to help those entitled to Universal Credit to make their claims and manage their budget effectively.


It was observed that overpayment recovery rates appear low but that much recovery is done by a deduction from ongoing benefits and therefore the weekly amounts which can be recovered are low and take time for repayments to be made.


Members asked for more information in relation to overpayments and it was explained that usually overpayments are made due to change in circumstance of the claimant.


Members queried the overspends in the budget and were informed that an additional cost of a ‘visiting officer’ has been incorporated to improve efficiency in acquiring information required to determine financial assessments.


It was observed that 0% of staff had received a performance appraisal during 16/17. This was due to a new corporate framework being cascaded throughout the workforce. Members commented that appraisals for staff are vitally important and felt that they needed to be implemented as soon as practically possible.


The work of the team was praised, particularly in light of the restructure which had resulted in a smaller team.


Members then received information in relation to the Audit Service as contained within the circulated report card.


Internal Audit is a statutory service and provides audit coverage across all of the Authority’s functions. Members noted that performance of the section is reported to and monitored by the Audit Committee.


Members were pleased to note that 99.35% of the clients who returned the client satisfaction survey were at least satisfied with the service provided.


While every effort is given towards progressing service priorities, it was observed that high risk audits are given priority when they arise.


Members noted that to continue to comply with the Public Sector Auditing Standards the Audit Team will be participating in a 5 year peer review with other Local Authorities across Wales.


It was observed that 0% of staff had received a performance appraisal during 16/17. This was due to a new corporate framework being cascaded throughout the workforce. Members commented that appraisals for staff are vitally important and felt that they needed to be implemented as soon as practically possible


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted


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