Agenda item

Minutes of the last meeting on 1 July 2016


Members considered the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 July 2016.


It was noted that there was an error in the minutes in relation to the Membership of the Task and Finish Group and it was agreed that this would be amended accordingly.




Officers advised that since the previous meeting officers had looked at the facilities within the Port Talbot Civic Centre for Elected Members and a layout plan for the Port Talbot Members Room has now been developed.


It was agreed that the layout plan should be circulated to the Committee and placed in the Democratic Services Office so that Members of the Committee could provide feedback as appropriate.


In addition, the Committee supported the Head of Democratic Services in continuing with the planned upgrade to Members facilities with Members keen to see progression particularly in relation to better audio/visual equipment within the Neath Civic Centre committee rooms and improved meeting room furniture within the Port Talbot Civic Centre committee rooms.


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