Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


5.1     Consultant Procurement (Exempt under Paragraph 14)


The Committee received the private report to exclude Rule 2 of Council’s Contracts Procedure Rules for the engagement of Interim Principal Officers within Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were informed that the personnel elements of the post had been approved by Personnel Committee and this report was specifically regarding the procurement and contracting elements. It was noted that Community Care Services had encountered significant recruitment and retention issues within its Senior Management Team and it was considered in the best interests of the Council to proceed with these arrangements to ensure the specialist expertise and knowledge were in place to lead the Service through this period of significant improvement and budget reductions. It was noted that the cost of the contracts had been offset by other savings made in the Directorate. It was highlighted that the work of the Officers had also resulted in savings required by the Directorate being delivered.


Members requested clarity on Rule 2 and why it needed to be excluded. The details of Rule 2 were explained and the provisions within the Council’s Constitution to suspend this rule when required. It was noted that the contracts were time limited and expertise was required to develop certain services. The interim Principal Officers would also be training staff whilst they were in post.


Members asked if the Directorate had tried to recruit permanent employees into the posts and it was confirmed that they had and had been unsuccessful. It was noted that this issue had been further addressed by a recent report to personnel committee on re-advertising of the posts.


Members discussed the requirements for delegated authority and contractual arrangements. Members requested more information on consultancy arrangements across the Council. Members asked what was preventing consultants walking away from the Council in the middle of the development of services and it was explained that this would be addressed as part of the contract.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board.



5.2     Repayment of Grant Monies (Exempt under Paragraph 14)


The Committee received the private report to request to waive a repayment of grant monies, as detailed in the circulated report.


Members queried if there was anyway the money could be recovered and officers confirmed that there was not.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board.