Agenda item

Reference: P2016/0738 Consultation by British Telecommunications (BT) in respect of Intended Payphone Removals within Neath Port Talbot.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on the Consultation as detailed within the circulated report.



1.      That, provided no additional representatives are received by 5 October 2016 (which have not been referred to Committee), the Council publish and consult upon its draft decision (‘the First Notification’) as detailed within the circulated report;


2.      That, in the event additional representations are received by 5 October 2016 (which have not been referred to Committee), delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Public Protection to make any necessary amendments to the draft decision (‘the First Notification’) as detailed within this report and to publish and consult upon ‘the First Notification’) as detailed within the circulated report and to publish and consult upon ‘the First Notification’;


3.      That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Public Protection to consider the responses to the ‘First Notification’, if any, and make any necessary changes to the First Notification, and subsequently publish the Council’s decision in the form of ‘the Final Notification’.


Supporting documents: