Agenda item

Application No: P2016/0468 - Block of 4 self contained flats, plus associated parking and engineering works. Car Park, Wembley, Neath. SA11 2AT


Cllr.R.Davies reaffirmed her interest at this point in the meeting and withdraw from the meeting for this item only.


Officers updated Members on the queries raised in the meeting of the 13 September 2016, as detailed in the circulated report.


Cllr.Mrs.S.Penry Local Ward Member addressed the Committee.



That in accordance with Officers recommendations Application No. P2016/0468 be approved with conditions as detailed in the circulated report and subject to the signing of a S106 legal agreement  for the provision of £5,700 towards additional facilities or improvements to existing pitch, non-pitch sport, informal open space or allotments within the Neath East Ward.  The specific project associated with this contribution to be identified prior to the spending of the money.


Supporting documents: