Agenda item

Community Care Business Plan 2016/17


The Committee received the Community Care Business Plan 2016/17, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were informed that Community Care in Neath Port Talbot had made significant changes over the past three years in line with the modernisation programme and had also contributed significant savings to the Council’s forward financial planning. It was noted that there a number of change programs that did not fall within the scope of this plan. It was highlighted that the plan was in the corporate style and some of the information was not able to be included and this information would be circulated to the Committee. It was noted that there had been a loss of a number of senior managers in the Service and this would have had a knock on effect. However, some experienced managers had been brought in to manage the changes in the interim period. It was noted that there was a revised structure for Community Care Services which changed the number of work streams from eight to three.


It was highlighted that the rate of Delayed Transfers of Care had slightly increased during 2015/16. The Service needs to ensure that they were supporting health to enable them to discharge patients with social care needs from acute hospital settings and they would continue to monitor this closely.


Members highlighted that that over the last year there had been a sudden and dramatic increase in new cases of people with significant mental ill health accessing services. Changes to service provision in health had resulted in an increase in people with significant mental ill health living in the community. Members queried how this was being addressed. Officers explained that the Social Services and Well-being Act resulted in more people with mental ill health being managed in the community, which put more pressure on Social Services. A Panel had been established to help manage this in partnership with Health to ensure that resources were best utilised.


Members noted that in regards to the Amount of Forward Financial Savings at risk (CM03) that work was ongoing to achieve the £1.3mil reduction of placement costs. Officers explained that it was still possible to meet this target and the establishment of the tactical panel.


Members noted that part of the work of the three new Local Area Co-ordinators was to develop relationships within their community. It was asked what the definition of community was. Officers explained that there was no clear definition and it could be their immediate environment, but it could also include faith and other groups that people associated themselves with. Members queried whether there were going to be more Co-ordinators to cover other areas. Officers highlighted that the project had been very successful and they would like to roll it out further, however, additional funding would be required. It had been raised at multiagency meetings to promote support across all agencies and any part funding of the posts would be considered. It was noted that it had been requested that the Local Area Co-ordinators attend a future meeting to discuss their work.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.