Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


6.1     Update – Remodel of Care and Support and Older Persons Day Services


          The Committee received the report on progress achieved in delivering a remodel of the Care and Support and Older Persons Day Services, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were informed that a new model for the Service had been approved in May 2016 to provide support in a more responsive way and to help met the financial savings that had to be made. The services that had been remodelled had not been reviewed for some time and Day Services was one of the last areas in Adult Social Services to be addressed. Following the review of the Service three options had been put forward and the current model was chosen. The report summarised the progress that had been made since then.


Members noted that during the consultation process referral to the service was suspended and asked what happened to potential service users during that time. Officers explained that a logical approach had to be taken and there would have been no point in referring people to a service that was not available.


Members highlighted that when the proposals for the changes to the Service had been put forward, assurances had been requested that changes could be undertaken in a timely manner. Members had concerns that the report refers to significant pressure being placed on social work teams. It was explained that social workers had been stretched during this time but it had not been unmanageable and they had risen well to the challenge. It was noted that there were some assessments that were outstanding and measures had been put in place to address this. Members raised that some assessments had not been completed before the facilities closed. It was explained that in some cases assessments had not been completed due to the person’s own circumstances and them being unavailable for assessments. Members were informed that by mid-August there had 45 assessments outstanding and they were all due to be completed within the next fortnight. Officers requested that if Members were aware of anyone who would be left vulnerable by a lack of service to inform them. It was highlighted that there had been a lot of consultation around the changes and any feedback received had been considered by the service.


Members recognised that workload and budget had to be balanced. Officers highlighted that there was only one outstanding element of adult social care to be reviewed. It was noted that the process had been demanding and meticulously planned. The new Social Services and Well Being Act 2014 obliged the Council to design services around what people want and historically services were taken up because that was all that was on offer and the changes that had been made addressed this. Members asked that if budget savings did not have to be made then would changes have been undertaken in the same way and at the same pace. Officers highlighted that the changes had been driven by a demanding financial climate and where there has been change different options had been considered. It was noted that it would not necessarily have been at a slower pace as once change was required then the more efficiently it was undertaken caused less pressure. Officers confirmed that their advice to Members would have been the same.


Members asked if social workers were trained to understand that people wanted different services and outcomes. Officers highlighted that historically there had been a paternalistic approach and now the discussions tended to be more about personalised support.


The Committee highlighted that under complaints section there were figures missing and officers provided them with the correct figures. There had been one complaint that was on going and all other concerns had been resolved before the formal complaint stage.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


6.2     Quarter 1 Performance Management Data 2016-17


          The Committee received the quarter 1 performance management data for the period 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016 for Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were informed that from April 2016 there was a statutory requirement for Adult Services to collect 14 new performance indicators and six new Social Services Well-being Act measures. Guidance and clarity was required on some of the indicators and measures and systems had to be put in place to collate the information, therefore not all data has been able to be reported in quarter 1. Systems were now in place to capture this information and it would be included in future reports.


Members highlighted that the percentage of carers of adult service users who were offered an assessment or review of their needs in their own right during the year (SCA/019) was at 100%. It was queried what was the difference between those offered and those received. It was also noted that there were some carers who were not aware of what an assessment was and what it entailed. Officers explained that the indicator had been set by Welsh Government and the Committee may wish to ask for further details and other figures. It was commented that there was a lot of information explaining about carer assessments and the Service would like to be informed of anyone who was not aware of it. The Service aimed to provide clear information to the public and they would want to know the reasons why this was not getting through. Members also requested the correlating percentage figure for the 96 number of assessments of need for support for carers undertaken during the year. Officers would find out this information and circulate it to the Committee.


Members noted that there were concerns regarding homelessness and was it going to increase and what pressure this put on services. Officers highlighted that the Welsh Government Homelessness Grant Transitional Fund allocation was significantly reduced for 2016/17. This could result in deterioration of performance and so far there had been a slight decline in performance this year. The Council still had to meet its duties but with less money. There was an annual national data set which included a much larger set of indicators, which were reported to Members periodically and this information would help to iron out some of the problems. Members asked if there had been any increase in need for services following the changes to the benefit system. Officers explained that they had not seen a change in the number of people that presented as homeless, however, the amount of work required with those people had increased.


Members asked if there was anyone homeless at the moment in Neath Port Talbot. Officers explained that if anyone was “roofless” at the moment then that was their choice as they would have received intervention and offered accommodation.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.