Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective - Safer Brighter Futures - Highlight Report - Quarter 1


The Committee received the Safer Brighter Futures Highlight report for quarter 1 2016-17, which provides a progress update for one of the Corporate Improvement Plan objectives that falls within the remit of the Committee, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were informed that significant progress had been made against all three outcomes. The introduction of Outcome Focussed Practice had allowed practitioners to work in a more positive way with children and families and all social workers have been trained in this method. It had been ensured that the right support was in place for families, which had been assisted through the development of the multi-agency Resource Panel. Members noted that 68% of children had been supported to stay with their families and queried what number of children this represented. Officers would find out the figure and circulate it to the Committee.


It was noted that the Engagement and Participation Officer had left the Local Authority and a new officer would need to be appointed. Members asked when it was anticipated that the post would be filled. Officers explained that the post was being advertised internally next week in line with the Council’s recruitment policies.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.

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