Agenda item

Review of Key Priority Indicators


The Committee received the report on proposed 2016-17 performance reporting arrangements, as detailed within the circulated report.


It was explained that the report had been deferred from the last meeting of the Committee as Members had not received the Children and Young People Services Development Plan. The report provided Members with 12 shortlisted revised Key Priority Indicators for Members to select eight to ten to be reported to the Committee periodically. Officers also recommended quarterly reporting of statutory and key performance indicators, which would provide Members with a more balanced overview of performance within the Service that was less susceptible to monthly variation. It was explained that the suggested Key Priority Indicators were more aligned to the work the Service was now undertaking. The Service would still collate the indicators that have been previously reported and the Senior Management Team would continue to monitor this information.


Members requested that three of the suggested indicators on vacancies, disciplinaries and grievances were incorporated into one report on workforce.


Members noted that the indicators for - the percentage of personal outcomes that have been reviewed during the period that show positive progress or have been achieved as determined by the family (11) and as determined by professional (12) - would not be able to be reported on until the third or fourth quarter of 2016/17. For this reason Members did not select these indicators and would reconsider them when determining the key priority indicators for 2017/18. Members requested that both percentages and numbers were included in the reports.


The Committee agreed the following Key Priority Indicators to be reported during 2016/17:


1. Staff supervision rates to include qualified and unqualified workers.


2. Average Number of Children’s Cases held by Qualified Social Workers across the Service. This will include information for members on the highest and lowest caseloads as well as the total number of cases held.


3. Workforce report on the number of social work vacancies (to include number of leavers, starters and agency staff), number of ongoing disciplinaries and number of ongoing grievances within the Service.


4. Thematic reports on the findings of Case File Audits.


5. Number of Looked After Children.


6. The number of Children who have been discharged from care and then subsequently re-admitted.


7. The number of Cases ‘stepped up / stepped down’ between Children and Young People Services and Team Around the Family (TAF).


8. The percentage of Team Around the Family cases that were closed due to the achievement of a successful outcome in relation to the Plan.


Members approved the quarterly reporting of both statutory and key priority indicators to the Children, Young people and Education Scrutiny Committee throughout 2016/17.

Supporting documents: