Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


8.1     Quarterly Performance Management Data 2016-2017- Quarter 1 Performance (1st April 2016-30th June 2016)-Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning.


          Members received the quarter 1 performance management data as included in the circulated report.


          Members noted that there had been an increase in the number of people using Public Libraries in the first 3 months of 2016/17 but a slight decline in the number of library materials issued during this period. The increase in numbers is largely attributed to the extra work staff are doing to attract audiences to the venues for activities and events and Members praised the staff for their work and commitment whilst providing an excellent service.


          Members asked if this increase in visitor numbers had translated into any increased revenue and it was explained that the service does not currently generate income from visitors. A future service model of libraries was discussed such as exploring ‘internet café’ options, introducing coffee machines and focussing on income generation.


          Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


8.2     Quarterly Performance Management Data 2016-2017- Quarter 1 Performance (1st April 2016-30th June 2016)-Environment.


          Members received the quarter 1 performance management data as included in the circulated report.


          Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.