Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective- Prosperity for All (Regeneration and Employment)- Quarter 1 2016-17


Members received the Corporate Improvement Objective-Prosperity for All (Regeneration) Quarter 1 information as contained within the circulated report.


Members were provided with a progress update for the first three months of 2016/17 for Regeneration and were informed that overall all activities planned for 2016/17 are on track for completion despite ongoing challenging circumstances surrounding the economy.


The Committee received information about the work that the Economic Development Team have been involved with including; private investment to Aberafan Seafront, the next phases of re development of Neath Town Centre and plans for camping and caravan facilities at Margam Park.


Members noted the appointment of a Business Development Officer to focus on the economic development elements of tourism and asked if the officers’ details could be circulated to them for their information.


The Committee were informed of the Economic Development Team’s responsibility in delivering community benefits to increase supply chain opportunities for local businesses and identifying local jobs for local people. Members noted the issues that can arise when smaller businesses attempt to put bids together for larger projects and the challenge that this can present which can often be a barrier to them. Members questioned if the paperwork is as simplified as possible and while Officers confirmed that while every effort is made to simplify the process, legally there are still procurement and health and safety issues which always need to be addressed through the bidding process.  


Members were pleased to note that funding has been secured for the establishment of a Regional Marketing Suite at the Bay Campus which involves the development of a Regional 3D Map and they welcomed a future demonstration of the map to a meeting of the Committee.


The Committee queried what actions were taken by the team to assist with smaller start-up businesses. Officers explained that bids are welcomed through the Coastal Community Scheme which offers this sort of support to new businesses.

Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.



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