Agenda item

Application No: P2014/1122 - Outline residential development consisting of 41 dwellings including details of access and demolition of the existing buildings. Land Off Samuels Road, Cwmllynfell.


Cllr Kristine Lloyd Local Ward Member and Cllr Arwyn Woolcock on behalf of Cwmllynfell Community Council addressed the committee engaging in detailed discussion with officers and Members.


Members received information on an amendment to the circulated report.  The Community Council on Page 115 should have read Cwmllynfell and not as stated in the report Cilybebyll.



That in accordance with Officer recommendations and subject to conditions as detailed in the circulated report and to the signing of a Section 106 legal agreement to seek financial contributions related to the following Heads of Terms, the application be approved:


·        £69,741.00 towards education provision;

·        £20,500 to protect, promote and enhance the Welsh Language;

·        £91,073.67 towards public open space provision;

·        £16,600 in respect of biodiversity mitigation.


Supporting documents: