Agenda item

Application No: P2015/0494 - Outline application for 17 No Dwellings together with matters of access, layout and drainage. Land adjacent to Sports Centre, Tonmawr, Neath. SA12 9UR


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application as detailed in the circulated report.


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol Mr.C.Edwards (supporter of the development) addressed the Planning Committee.



That following a Site Visit prior to today’s meeting, having considered the views of those present, and contrary to the Officer Recommendation as detailed in the circulated report, the Application be Approved subject to conditions and signing of a section 106 agreement to cover the provision and retention of 7 units of affordable housing, the contribution of £32,922 towards Public Open Space, and mitigation for the loss of reptile habitat.  The decision was made on the following grounds:


Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that, in determining a planning application the determination must be in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.  Having regard to paragraphs 9.3.2 and 4.7.8 of Planning Policy Wales, and paragraphs 2.5.50 of the adopted Local Development Plan, while the site is located outside of, but adjacent to, the settlement limit of Tonmawr, it is considered  that the site’s location between the existing two areas of the settlement of Tonmawr would ensure the development would not amount to an insensitive extension of the settlement boundary, and having regard to such impacts, that the strong degree of public support for the proposed development and associated positive community impacts, and the provision of 7 units of affordable housing, together amount to material considerations of sufficient weight necessary to justify such development outside of the settlement boundary, which is otherwise contrary to adopted LDP Policy.  In addition, while not a material planning consideration, the developer was encouraged to put forward as part of the s106 agreement a package of community benefits as indicated in their submissions.



Supporting documents: