Agenda item

Consultation on Social Services Budget and Draft Savings 2017/18


The Committee received supplementary information concerning the savings proposals for the Social Services Budget, set out in the Cabinet Report of 28 September 2016, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were provided with the background to the Council’s Forward Financial Plan proposals up to March 2020. It was explained that the Children and Young People Services budget forms part of the broader Social Services budget, which had large savings to be made. It was noted that there had been significant investment into early intervention and preventative work that should result in some savings happening organically. It was highlighted that there were no new savings proposals for 2017/18 for Children and Young People Services and remained SSHH 540 – Savings arising from ongoing reductions in looked After Children. It was noted that if austerity measures continued then the scope for identifying savings in Children’s Services was limited.


It was explained that the four main areas of expenditure in the Service were staff costs, operational, Looked After Children and Leaving Care. It was highlighted that a lot of resources had been spent on ensuring that the structure and stability of the workforce was right. The support services were also important to ensure that the Service ran effectively and it would not be of benefit to make cuts in these areas. It was identified that the area where savings could be made was by safely reducing the number of Looked After Children.


Officers highlighted that the number of Looked After Children had been significantly reduced last financial year and the Service was on track to reach its target for this year. It was proposed that for 2017/18 to further reduce the number of Looked After Children by 23. Officers explained that the savings made would also depend on the placement type as some placements were more expensive than others, for example foster carers for teenagers were paid at a higher rate. It was noted that there were 10 children placed in residential accommodation and the Service would be looking at rehabilitating them back into specialist foster care. It was highlighted that as the Service progresses and there were lower numbers of Looked After Children then it would be more difficult to find future savings.


Members noted that out of county placements were very expensive, however, some concern was expressed about whether or not the needs of those children and young people would be met in county. Officers explained that the children who were in settled placements would not be brought back, efforts would be focussed on those that were not in stable placements and where the Service was confident that their needs could be met.


Members highlighted that all areas were struggling with financial cuts and asked what potential future areas could contribute to the Forward Financial Plan. Officers noted that in slicing parts of Services there was a risk that they could go wrong and it had to be ensured that the numbers of Looked After Children did not start to increase. Therefore cross directorate savings would need to be considered. It was highlighted that Adult and Children’s Services had been working more closely together and this had been a benefit of having the same head of service covering both areas for an interim period. An example was given of improvements in the transition of young people from Children’s to Adult Services.


Members asked about potential changes to Complex Needs Services. It was noted that this area of work was specific to Adult Social Care and it was a difficult area to target. Future reports would be brought to the relevant Committee regarding this.


The Committee queried the figures for 2017/18 in the table outlining the funding gap as they did not seem to add up. Officers noted that it was a corporate table and would query this with the Finance Section and circulate a response to Members. The Committee also asked what the one off budget allocation to Streetscene was. Officers explained that the Streetscene section came under the Environment Directorate and due to the budget settlement last year being better than expected a one off contribution had been allocated to them.


Members noted that under workforce impacts the report referred to trade unions and staff briefings and asked if this was in regards to the Early Retirement and Voluntary Redundancy Scheme. Officers explained that it was not in reference to this scheme as Children and Young People Services were not accepting requests under this scheme to ensure workforce stability. It was highlighted that trade unions were involved in the corporate discussions regarding the Forward Financial Plan.

Members asked if the Welsh Government settlement for the Council was better than expected would the same savings be made. It was highlighted that it would be up to Council to make that decision, however, the proposals put forward by Children and Young People Services were also the best options for the Service.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Young people thanked the Senior Management of the Service for meeting the savings previously identified and was confident that the challenges would be met going forward.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.

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