Agenda item

Standards Committee


Members noted that the Local Authority was governed by the Standards Committees (Wales) Regulations 2001 (as amended in 2006) and these would need to be amended by Welsh Government should a 5 year term of Office be introduced for County Borough/Town Community Councillors.


RESOLVED:                 1.     That the Community Council Member and any substitute be appointed for no more than four years, or until the next election of the Community Council of which they are a Member whichever is the shorter, subject to reappointment for one further consecutive term; 


2.     That Independent Members be appointed for not less than four years, and no more than six years subject to one further consecutive term which cannot then exceed four years; 


3.     That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Standards Committee be elected by the Members of that Committee from its Independent Members for a period of not less than four years and no more than six years, or until the term of office of that person comes to an end, this would allow the Chairman or Vice Chairman to serve a second term as an Independent Member.