Agenda item

School Term Dates 2018/19


That the 2018/2019 school term dates as detailed in Appendix A to the circulated report, be approved and submitted to the Welsh Government.



It was highlighted that St Joseph’s Catholic Infant School would be in attendance during Holy Week, as a result their term dates would be different to those proposed by the Local Authority.  All proposed dates would be submitted to the Welsh Government for final consideration.




That the 2018/2019 school term dates as detailed in Appendix A to the circulated report, be approved and submitted to the Welsh Government.


Reason for Decision:


To enable the Authority to meet its statutory duty.


Implementation of Decision


The decision will be implemented after the 3 day call in period.




Consultation took place between the 8th June 2016 and 8th July 2016.  Consultees included governing bodies, trade unions and other admission authorities including those in the relevant area as detailed in the circulated report.

Supporting documents: