Agenda item

Member Development, Annual Development Reviews and Annual Reports


Members considered the report of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services in relation to the above and expressed concern at the low level of attendance at Seminars and training sessions.  Members requested that any presentations given at Seminars/training sessions be made available to those Members unable to attend and that e learning be given greater priority.  Members were advised that presentations etc could be found via the Members hub on the Authority’s Intranet.  Members also viewed a demonstration of the All Wales Academy Learning Pool which was an online learning portal.  Committee therefore requested that a link to the Members’ hub be included in the letter referred to in Minute No 4 above.  


In relation to the Members’ Annual Development Reviews Members generally felt that they were not beneficial.  As such an alternative scheme should be identified.


In relation to Members’ Annual Reports, Members asked for details on the number of ‘hits’ they received on the Council’s internet.


Committee also discussed advertising their surgeries on the Authority’s website and while some Members found this of benefit, some Members did not.


RESOLVED       1.       that Officers identify an alternative framework for the Member Annual Development Reviews, for example APSE, as the current Scheme does not take into account the political nature of Members personal/political development;


2.      that the number of ‘hits’ Members’ Annual Reports receive on the Authority’s website be reported back to Members;


3.      that a link to the Members’ Hub be included in the letter to be sent to all Members, Minute No 4 above refers.





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