Agenda item

Record of Executive Decisions of the Cabinet and Cabinet Boards


RESOLVED:        that the following Executive Decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet Boards, be noted:-


                                   Cabinet                                                          30.07.14                                        

                              Cabinet                                                          10.09.14 

(NOTE:                 In relation to Minute Number 3 of the above meeting,

                              the Director of Environment provided clarification, in

                              that the sale referred to therein was subject to the

                              Head of Legal Services confirming that there

                              were no encumbrances to the provenance concerning

                              the disposal.) 

                              Economic and Community Regeneration     31.07.14

                              Economic and Community Regeneration     11.09.14 

                              Children, Young People and Education        31.07.14

                              Children, Young People and Education        22.09.14

                              Policy and Resources                                    04.09.14

                              Environment and Highways                          09.09.14

                              Social Care, Health and Housing                  15.09.14






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