Agenda item

NPT Works Report Card


The Committee received the NPT Works Report Card 2015-16 as detailed within the circulated report.


Officers explained that NPT Works is a non-statutory service that was created in 2009 as a specialist unit delivering welfare- to- work programmes on behalf of the UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) delivering The Work Programme in Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend County Boroughs. Participants are on the programme for 2 years and income to the service is by ‘Payments by Results’.


Members noted that NPT Works deals with approximately 920 participants and the number of staff delivering the programme has reduced significantly.


The Committee observed that minimal instances of sickness absence in a small section does impact heavily on sickness performance figures but were pleased to note that levels of sickness absence were reducing slightly.


Members noted that 100% of staff had received performance appraisals during 15-16 and that the number of complaints received has reduced.


Members queried if the performance and number of participants dictates the staffing compliment. Officers explained that this programme is due to run till 31st March 2017 and the staff numbers have been predicted up until this point.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.  


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