Agenda item

Pre Scrutiny


The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


     i.        Establishment of Western Bay Regional Partnership Board and Update on Programme of Work


Members considered the report that sought agreement to adopt terms of reference for the Western Bay Regional Partnership Board.


Information was requested in relation to the issue of resources contained within the report in particular, what is deemed sufficient resources, how much will each organisation be expected to contribute to pooled budgets and specifically around pooled budgets for care homes. Officers stated that this was unclear as it currently stands as the Regional Partnership Board will need to be established in the first instance and it is then they will decide on these issues. It was agreed that update reports will be brought back at the request of the Committee. Members were further advised that there currently already is a Section 33 agreement in place for the delivery of part of adult services so it is nothing new.


Members asked whether they could have sight of the annual report prior to it being forwarded to Welsh Government. It was agreed that this will be the case.


Members raised concern that an area not considered a priority within the terms of reference was that of Child Mental Health. Officers stated that whilst it was no currently contained within the terms of reference it was very much a priority for Neath Port Talbot.


Members queried how the costs could be detrimental in relation to Welsh Language Standards. It was confirmed that as with all public organisations it was now a requirement to include Welsh Language Standards, but it would be up to the Board on how they address this issue.


Confirmation was given that as it currently stands the identity of the two additional local Members has not been agreed.


Members asked whether the selection of one carers representative to the Board meant one from each Local Authority Area or one across the Western Bay. It was confirmed that it would be one across Western Bay but this should not be a problem as everyone is facing common themes.


Members noted that there was an intention to establish a regional citizens panel and concern was raised that this would be detrimental to the local consultation work that Neath Port Talbot excelled at. It was agreed that this point and a subsequent point in relation to potential duplication be reported to the Western Bay Board.


Members considered the recommendations and suggested that as part of recommendation 2 the following sentence be included at the end. “any changes to the terms of reference of the Partnership Board that are agreed should be communicated to the Scrutiny Committee”.


Following scrutiny the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board.


    ii.        Improving Outcomes, Improving Lives – Annual Report 2015-16


Members considered the report and were advised that there has been a significant change in staffing and that is why a new structure was required. A whole tier of staff had left and this had affected morale, it was further confirmed that following the introduction of the new structure morale was improving and this was confirmed by officers.


In response to a question on the current situation in relation to Direct Payments, Members were advised that this was being pushed really hard but is now changed tact slightly and understand that some individuals do not wish to have Direct Payments. It was confirmed that progress will be achieved via a measured approach and this should not affect the forward financial plan adversely.


Members queried the location of the Local Area Co-ordinators that seemed to be successful in three areas of the Council. It was agreed that a presentation be made to the Committee at a future meeting highlighting the work within the areas and meeting staff who undertake the work.


Members noted that there had been particularly good performance around Delayed Transfers of Care last year but not as good in the current year. It was agreed that this is being addressed and Members will see a progress report at the next meeting.


Members noted that a company called PeopleToo had been engaged to facilitate cultural and practice change. Members asked what had it cost the Council to engage the company. Officers stated that due to the expertise the company brought with them it was not cheap and had cost the Council £200k for 12 months. This is because of the number of consultants engaged from the company across social services but the amount of savings realised justified the investment.


Members noted that there were a number of individuals listed under external support and asked were these consultants and if so were they expensive. It was confirmed that they were consultants and that due to their expertise they were generally expensive. However, it was further confirmed that they are held to account by the Head of Service who monitors their progress to ensure they are meeting the objectives and improving the service. Once they have completed their tasks they hand over to the relevant officer and they leave the authority but leave their knowledge and skills. An additional reason that the use of consultants has been successful is because they have been able to bring a different perspective.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


   iii.        Quarterly Performance Management Data 2015-2016 – Quarter 4 Performance (1st April 2015 – 31st March 2016)


Members considered the end of year performance monitoring report for 2015/2016.


Officers stated that there were new performance indicators in place for 2016/2017 and these would be reported to the next meeting alongside the current indicators.


Members noted that the performance in relation of Disabled Facilities Grants had improved but the Council was still ranked 14th in Wales. Officers stated that this was for the period of 2014/2015 and that the comparison for 2015/2016 had yet to be undertaken but when this had been completed it would be reported to the Committee.


Members asked whether the Council organises social activities for those who require social care. It was confirmed that the Council does not organise specific activities but it was generally the community that organised events. The Local Area Co-ordinators undertake a lot of this activity. Members noted that there is probably an underestimation of what is available within the community.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.