Agenda item

Governance Arrangements for the New Primary School Replacing Melin Infant and Melin Junior Schools


1.      That the Instrument of Government (attached as Appendix A) be approved with the incorporation date of 1st November, 2016 creating a permanent Governing Body;        


2.      That the school replacing Melin Infant and Melin Junior Schools be known as Melin Primary School.




1.      That the Instrument of Government (attached as Appendix A) be approved with the incorporation date of 1st November, 2016 creating a permanent Governing Body;        


2.      That the school replacing Melin Infant and Melin Junior Schools be known as Melin Primary School.


Reason for Decisions:


To enable the authority to comply with legislative requirements for the establishment of a new school.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.




There is no requirement under the Constitution for external consultation on the recommendations within the report but a consultation exercise has taken place with members of the temporary governing body regarding the name.  Also, internal consultation has taken place with the Head of Planning and the Education Senior Management Team.

Supporting documents: