Agenda item

Neath Port Talbot Local Development Plan (LDP)

Consideration of the Parking Standards Consultation Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance; the Pollution Consultation Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance and the publication/consultation procedures to be implemented.




1.              That the Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Guidance and Pollution Supplementary Planning Guidance respectively, as set out in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to the circulated report, be agreed as forming the basis for consultation;


2.              That the publication and consultation procedures as set out in the report be implemented.


Reasons for Decisions:


1.              To ensure that clear guidance is issued by the Local Authority in respect of the standards that will need to be achieved in terms of parking provision across Neath Port Talbot;


2.              To ensure that clear guidance is issued by the Local Authority in respect of the pollution issues experienced across Neath Port Talbot and the matters that will need to be taken into consideration when developments are planned;


3.              To ensure that a consultation exercise is undertaken so that the guidance carries full weight when planning applications and/or appeals are considered.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.




This item will be subject to external consultation.

Supporting documents: