Agenda item

Record of Executive Decisions of the Cabinet and Cabinet Boards


RESOLVED:                  that the following Executive Decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet Boards be noted:-


                                        Cabinet                                                         25.06.14

                                        Children, Young People and Education       15.06.14

                                        Children, Young People and Education       19.06.14

                                        Children, Young People and Education

                                        (Special)                                                       09.07.14

                                        Environment and Highways                         29.05.14

                                        Environment and Highways                         11.07.14

                                        Social Care, Health and Housing                  17.07.14

                                        Policy and Resources                                   19.06.14

                                        Policy and Resources                                   24.07.14

                                        Economic and Community Regeneration     27.06.14

                                        Economic and Community Regeneration

                                        (Special #1)                                                  11.07.14

                                        Economic and Community Regeneration

                                        (Special #2)                                                  11.07.14





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