Agenda item

Western Bay Programme Update Report


Members welcomed Sara Harvey the Western Bay Programme Director who was presenting an update report on the Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme.


Members were reminded that the Western Bay Programme was established in 2012 as a partnership between Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, Bridgend County Borough Council, City and County of Swansea Council and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board.


Members welcomed the presentation and the report but stated that future reports should be set out in a way that highlighted the work that has been undertaken, the current work and associated deadlines and finally what’s been achieved. It was agreed that this would be taken forward with future reports.


A question was raised in relation to the workforce and whether it is ready to meet the requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act. Members were informed that over 1500 people had attended awareness raising sessions and a further 570 had received specific training of which 295 were staff from Neath Port Talbot.


Clarity was sought on the term scalable contained within the report and it was confirmed that this was in relation the Care Home sector being able to deal with more people and more complex needs.


Members noted that there had been benefits but asked whether specific examples of achievements could have been included. It was confirmed that some specific achievements could have been included within the report for example how 57 historic care packages have been removed.


Members asked whether there was a supplication of effort across the programme. It was stated that they could not be sure there was no duplication but highlighted that it was not the Western Bay Programme being done to the Council but ensure a consistent approach across the region whilst attempting to achieve economies of scales.


Members noted that there may appear to be a lack of transparency in what is discussed at meetings as Members do not seem to have sight of any meeting minutes. Members were advised that this may have been an issue and it was agreed that the newsletter would be circulated to Members on a regular basis.


Members noted that within the budget figures £10,000 had been set aside for redundancy figures and requested clarity on this issue. It was confirmed that a lot of the work is done out of good will but there a core team of staff based in Swansea that are grant funded.


Members requested that additional information be included on the Western Bay website that highlights the governance structure as well as the Membership of the group including their roles.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.

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