Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


7.1     Quarter 3 Performance Review-Celtic Leisure.


          Members received information in relation to the Quarter 3 Performance Review of Celtic Leisure in comparison to the 10 year submitted business plan as contained within the circulated report.


          Attention was drawn to the trading deficit in the first three quarters of the year is £104,844 above the profile deficit of £37,133 which is being covered by company reserves.


          It was noted that Gym Direct Debit income was 16% below budget but that the figures from the new Aberavan Leisure and Fitness Centre figures were not yet included in the overall data. Furthermore, the Gwyn Hall box office income was 75% below the budgeted position.


Members expressed disappointment that the figures were below what was expected and queried if the forecasted budget positions were realistic. Officers explained that Celtic had undergone a period of significant change with a new Chief Executive and three Heads of Finance being in post and previous budget predictions had not been realistic. Whilst Members expressed concern that this information had not been made available at the time Officers explained that there is now strong confidence in the Celtic Leisure Senior Management Team. A new performance management structure has been put in place where monthly meetings are held with a focus on the financial plan and any concerns are identified and escalated immediately. This Committee will also receive ongoing quarterly performance review reports from Celtic Leisure.


Following scrutiny it was agreed the report be noted.