Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


     i.        Transfer of delegated authority from the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to the Director of Environment following the transfer of Environmental Health and Trading Standards function to the Environment Directorate.


Members considered the report that sought approval to transfer the delegated authority to make decisions associated with the Environmental Health and Trading Standards function of the Authority to the Environment Directorate.


Members asked will there be any changes for service delivery and officer contact. It was confirmed there is likely to be some change but as this was just a report to transfer the responsibility once the physical changes occur a circular will be sent to Members explaining any changes.


Following scrutiny the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board.


    ii.        Provider Support for administering Direct Payments (DPs)


Members considered a report that sought to approval to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of Payroll Services (Including Pension Auto Enrolment), Managed Account Services/Enhanced Managed Account Services and a Direct Payments ‘Suitable Persons’ Service.


Members enquired what the term ‘Suitable Person’ actually meant. Officers confirmed that if an individual does not have capacity to make decisions then the Council is duty bound to find a suitable person.


Members noted that there was not a guarantee for business if a company is placed on a list. The list of service providers is for the service user to decide what they require.


Members questioned whether the proposals required a full Equality Impact Assessment and what the actual impact of the proposals was as the screening form was unclear. Officers stated that the impact medium but this had not come through on the printed documents. Members were further advised that the screening had demonstrated that this did not require a full Equality Impact Assessment as this improves peoples choices/opportunities.


Members asked what financial controls were in place in relation to Direct Payments. Officers stated that the Council has control and it is governed by the Financial Services Authority. Individuals will be assessed where it is thought they require any additional support the Council will provide the appropriate support.


Further clarification was sought on what safeguards are in place should an individual require a ‘Suitable Person’. Officers stated that there are checks in place that the money is used for the right things and these will be done on a quarterly basis and fully audited on an annual basis. The computer payment system will also be designed to block payments for particular items for example holidays.


Members asked will there be support available on how to spend the money that individuals receive. Officers stated that there will be two positions created a) Direct payments Co-ordinators and b) Direct Payment Advisers. It was confirmed that the advisors will be the key positions as they will work with individuals on how to spend their direct payments.


Following scrutiny the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board.


   iii.        Update on the delivery of the Integrated Community Resource Team in Neath Port Talbot To Me Service Model and Agreement between Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board in Accordance  with Section 33 National Health Service (Wales) Act 20016


Members considered a progress report on delivering the Integrated Community Resource Team (CRT) and were advised that there was likely to be a slight underspend at the end of the financial year.


Members noted that the data contained within the report contained some significant spikes and officers confirmed that this may be computer/data led rather than service led.


Members requested that they wished to receive a quarterly monitoring report to consider progress and a further annual report. Officers agreed that this would be programmed in.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


  iv.        Quarterly Performance Management Data 2015-2016 – Quarter 3 Performance (1st April 2015 – 31st December 2015)


Members considered the performance management data for the third quarter.


Members asked whether the performance in relation to Disabled Facilities Grants is sustainable following the improvements made following the systems thinking review. Officers stated that this will dependant on demand. As it currently stands it would be sustainable.


Members asked whether the complaints information was used to improve the service. Members were informed that the information is used to improve service delivery but Members should be mindful that with the new Act it may be apparent that by applying the eligibility criteria individuals will no longer be entitled to care and an appeal process will need to be introduced.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.