Agenda item

Planning Application No:P2016/0111 - Erection of 4 Metre High Welded Mesh Ball Stop Fence - Cwmafan Primary School, School Terrace, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, SA12 9BB


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application as detailed within the circulated report.


In accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Protocol, Mr. K. Jones (Objector) and Mr.R.Gordon (Applicant – Right of Reply), addressed the Committee.


The Local Ward Members also addressed the Committee engaging in detailed discussions with Officers and Members.



That contrary to the Officer recommendation as detailed within the circulated report, the Application be refused for the following reason:




By virtue of its scale, elevation and proximity to residential properties, the proposed fence would have an adverse visual impact, contrary to Policy BE1 of the adopted Local Development Plan.



(Note:  With regard to the Amendment Sheet referred to above and attached as an Appendix, on which the Chair had allowed sufficient time for Members to read, in respect of application items on the published agenda, the Chairman had permitted urgent circulation/consideration thereof at today’s meeting, the particular reasons and the circumstances being not to further delay the planning process, unless the Committee itself wanted to defer any applications and to ensure that Members take all extra relevant information into account before coming to any decision at the meeting).





Supporting documents: