Agenda item

Application No: P2016/0078 - Proposed Alternative Restoration and Aftercare Scheme in respect of the former Margam Surface Mine at Fford Y Gyfraith, Cefn Cribwr CF32 0BS


The Chairperson referred Members to the circulated Amendment Sheet and informed the Planning Committee of a letter received from Welsh Government which placed a Holding Direction upon the Council under Article 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012. As a consequence of this, the Council had been directed not to grant planning permission for this Application without prior authorisation of the Welsh Ministers. However, the Council would be able to continue to assess and debate the merits of the Application without requiring further authorisation.  As a result of this, the Chairperson confirmed that the recommendation associated with this Application, would be amended as detailed in the circulated Amendment Sheet.


Officers gave members a detailed presentation of the Application. Following discussions with Members regarding Hydrology, Ecology, Local and National Policies, Flooding Impacts etc, as detailed within the circulated report, Officers confirmed with Members that brief update reports be brought back to Committee when appropriate, regarding the progress of the Restoration Scheme.



that in accordance with the Officer recommendation and subject to the amended recommendation, as detailed  within the circulated amendment sheet, the Application be approved, subject to the removal of the holding direction from Welsh Government, and subject to the listed Conditions and a revised Legal Agreement, to secure an acceptable programme of prioritised works  and the ring fencing of money within the restoration fund,to enable delivery of this programme and to secure its aftercare.






Supporting documents: