Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2016/17


Members received an overview of the above report wherein it was noted that the Authority was able to confirm its Net Budget but was unable to set its Budget Requirement until such time as the Welsh Government published the final Revenue Support Grant and Business Rates.  A further report would therefore be prepared for Members’ decision on 10th March2016. Members then raised the following:-


The successful partnership working with the Trade Unions was acknowledged together with wide consultation undertaken with stakeholders.


Members raised the current Home to School Transport Policy and the commitment given to undertake a review thereof in the Autumn and asked for clarification on how this was to be undertaken.  The Chief Executive reminded Members that the Policy had been consulted on, scrutinised and approved 2 years ago and a commitment had been given at that time to review the policy after 2 years had elapsed. Until then the current Policy would be adhered to.  Member noted that the Welsh Government had agreed that the wording surrounding the legislation and guidance was ambiguous and supported the Authority in using the current Policy in the interim.  Members also raised a question on safe walking route to Ysgol Bae Baglan. They were informed that as the school was now nearing completion and the roads had been completed, the route would be further inspected.


Members were please to note the additional £1.2m available to the Environment Directorate Street Scene Services for such things as grass cutting, etc.


Members also commented on the pressures being put on Local Authorities by the Welsh Government by not making its decision on the final Revenue Support Grant and Business Rates until 9th March, 2016.


In addition Members recognised the loss of experienced staff as a result of the current ER/VR scheme where, in the region of 100 staff are expected to leave the Authority’s employment by the end of March 2016.


In relation to ELLL616 re the Schools Cleaning Service and the reduction in subsidy by £60k, Members queried what was the impact of closing the schools identified in the Strategic School Improvement Programme on the service? Members were advised that the Council provides an in house cleaning service to primary schools and that this net subsidy cost needed to be borne by schools. Members were also informed that the level of savings had been reduced form those included in the draft proposals and this amount was required to set a balanced budget.


Members were pleased that the Cefn Coed Museum would remain open and that discussions/negotiations would continue on how to make it more financially viable.


Members noted the current position in relation to the libraries at Coedffranc and Baglan and the future sale of the second mobile library.


The Leader of Council then summed up and thanked Members, Officers, staff and Union representatives for the work in putting together a balanced budget.


RESOLVED:  1. That the revised budget position and arrangements for 2015/16, as contained in the circulated report, be noted;


     2. That compliance with the Welsh Government’s requirement to protect Schools funding, be confirmed;


3. (a)     In relation to the Council’s Revenue Budget 2016/17 the Equality Impact Assessment and Crime and Disorder impacts in setting the budget for 2016/17, be noted;

(b)         The Net Revenue Budget for 2016/17, and the service plans for the delivery of the budgets, be approved;

(c)         The budget/forward financial plan savings (outlined in Appendix 3), be approved;

(d)         That the Corporate Directors be instructed to progress the savings and improvement programme for the Authority;

(e)         That determination of Fees and charges for non executive functions, applicable in 2016/17, be delegated to the appropriate Corporate Director following consultation with the Leader of Council, Deputy Leader and Chair of the relevant Non Executive Committee, together with fees and charges applicable in any subsequent financial year which, in the opinion of the Corporate Director, need to be set in advance of that financial year for operational reasons;

(f)          That a report setting out the Council’s Budget Requirement and Council Tax for 2016/17 be forwarded to the Council meeting of the 10 March 2016, following the publication of the Final Local Government Settlement on 2nd March 2016.






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