Agenda item

Harbour Revision Orders




1.              That the Authority’s consultation response (as detailed at Appendix A to the circulated report) to the Marine Management Organisation in relation to the applications for Harbour Revision Orders for the Port of Neath and Port of Swansea, be approved; 


2.              That the Head of Planning be authorised to send the consultation response to the Marine Management Organisation;


3.              That the Head of Planning be given delegated powers to authorise any further responses to consultations from the Marine Management Organisation relating to the Harbour Revision Orders as proposed, or as may be amended.


Reasons for Decisions:


1.              To keep Members appraised of the consultation request from the Marine Management Organisation and to allow for the Council’s consultation response to be approved by Members;


2.              To allow the approved consultation response to be sent to the Marine Management Organisation;


3.              To allow a timely response on any subsequent amendments to the proposed Harbour Revision Orders that may be received from the Marine Management Organisation.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions are for immediate implementation, the Chairperson of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to this course of action and therefore there would be no call in of these decisions.




This item has been subject to internal consultation.


Supporting documents: