Agenda item

Wales Audit Office (WAO) - Performance Management Arrangements


The Chairperson thanked Officers present from Wales Audit Office for their comments and support in response to the Authority’s Performance Management arrangements. It was noted that the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services would arrange the training requested by Scrutiny Members on the matter.




1.          That the progress made by the Council in implementing the proposals for improvement contained in the Wales Audit Office Report, as detailed in the circulated report, be noted.


2.          That the findings of the Wales Audit Office follow up Review of the Council’s Performance Management arrangements, as detailed within the circulated report, be noted.


3.          That the actions proposed in relation to the recent Wales Audit Office Report, be endorsed.


4.          That the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services arrange a series of training workshops for elected Members to support Members in using the new performance management framework.


Reason for Decisions:


To ensure the Council has a robust, fit for purpose corporate performance management framework to support the delivery of our commitment to protect jobs and services particularly to those that are most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities in times of severe and enduring austerity.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three-day call in period.







Supporting documents: