Agenda item

Welsh Language Standards - Final Compliance Notice





That the Chief Executive be authorised to challenge the Welsh Language Commissioner regarding the content of the final Compliance Notice issued to this Council as detailed within the circulated report.


That, in the event that the Commissioner does not adjust the Compliance Statement,  the Chief Executive be authorised to lodge appeals with the Welsh Language Tribunal and to take the actions necessary to progress those appeals within the legal mechanisms established for the purpose.


Reason for proposed Decisions:


To seek to change the final Compliance Notice which sets out the Welsh Language Standards and associated timescales that will be applied to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council on the basis that some of the Standards included in the final notice are unreasonable, disproportionate or have been included without due consultation with the Council.


Implementation of the Decisions:


The decision is an urgent one for immediate implementation.  The Chairman had agreed to this course of action and therefore there would be no call-in of this decision.





Supporting documents: