RESOLVED: a. That changes to Memberships, be
approved as follows:-
Schools Standards Partnership Group
Replace Councillor Mrs.D.Jones with Councillor H.N.James;
Schools Admissions Forum
Replace Councillor Mrs.D.Jones with Councillor H.N.James;
b. That the Authority withdraws its Membership
(Councillors E.E.Jones
and A.N.Woolcock and Mrs Karen Jones the Head of
Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services) from the Swansea Bay Regional
Equality Council with effect from the Equality Council’s Annual Meeting on 11th
August 2015;
c. That the following changes to the
Membership of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg
Community Health Council be approved:-
Councillor R.James with Councillor E.E.Jones;
Councillor C.M.Crowley with Councillor A.Carter.