Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting of Council - Friday, 17th May, 2019 2.30 pm

Venue: Margam Orangery, Margam Park, Port Talbot - Margam Park. View directions

No. Item


Election of Mayor for 2019/20


On the motion of Councillor Stephen Hunt seconded by Councillor Arwyn Woolcock, it was:-


RESOLVED:      That Councillor Scott Jones be elected Mayor for the Civic Year 2019/20 pursuant to Section 23(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor Scott Jones then subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance administered by the Chief Executive and made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Mayoress would be Mrs Jemma Jones and the Mayor’s Chaplain would be David Gage, Elder at Abercregan Evangelical Church, Cymmer.






Appointment of Deputy Mayor for 2019/20


On the motion of Councillor Sonia Reynolds seconded by Councillor Alex Thomas, it was:-


RESOLVED:        That Councillor John Warman be appointed the Deputy Mayor for the Civic Year 2019/20 pursuant to Section 24(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor John Warman then made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Deputy Mayoredd for the Civic Year would be Mrs Lesley Warman.




Investiture of Mayoress and Deputy Mayoress for 2019/20


The Mayoress was invested with her Insignia of Office.


The Deputy Mayoress was invested with her Insignia of Office.




Mayor's Address


The Mayor, Councilloe Scott Jones, then made his Mayoral Address and also took the opportunity to thank Membes for their support in electing him as Mayor.




Appointment of the Leader and the Deputy Leader of the Council for 2019/20


On the motion of Councillor Susanne Renkes seconded by Councillor Mike Harvey, it was:-


RESOLVED:      That, pursuant to Part 4, Section 1(1.1) of the Constitution, Councillor R.G.Jones be appointed Leader of the Council and Councillor A.J.Taylor be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Civic Year 2019/20.




Administration Issues for 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Mayor reported that, as it was not practicable for the various administration issues to be dealt with at the Annual Meeting, it was intended to convene a Special Meeting of Council on Wednesday, 22 May, 2019.


RESOLVED:      That the Administration Issues be considered at the Special Meeting of Council to be hels on 22 May, 2019.


The Mayor then declared the Meeting closed.