Agenda, decisions and minutes

Special, Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 19th April, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Tom Rees  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Announcements


The Chair noted that the Members of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to scrutinise the following items from the Scrutiny and Cabinet Board agendas:


Scrutiny Agenda

-      Item 4: Update on the implementation of measures in the Waste Strategy Action Plan


Cabinet Board Agenda

-      Item 6: Shared Prosperity Funded (SPF) Business Anchor Project - Enhance Business Support for Growth and Innovation – Update

-      Item 8: Neath Port Talbot Local Area Energy Plan

-      Item 14: Proposed Disposal of Residential Development land at Blaenbaglan.

-      Item 15: Proposed Renewal of the Lease to the Council of the Public Library on the first floor of Aberavon Shopping Centre, Port Talbot.


The Chair noted that the Members of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to scrutinise the following items from the Scrutiny and Cabinet Board agendas:


Scrutiny Agenda


         Item 4: Update on the implementation of measures in the Waste Strategy Action Plan


Cabinet Board Agenda


         Item 6: Shared Prosperity Funded (SPF) Business Anchor Project - Enhance Business Support for Growth and Innovation – Update

         Item 8: Neath Port Talbot Local Area Energy Plan

         Item 14: Proposed Disposal of Residential Development land at Blaenbaglan.

         Item 15: Proposed Renewal of the Lease to the Council of the Public Library on the first floor of Aberavon Shopping Centre, Port Talbot.


Declarations of Interest


Cllr Nathan Goldup-John declared a non-prejudicial interest in Item 8 Neath Port Talbot Local Area Energy Plan as he works for Transport for Wales.


Cllr Nathan Goldup-John declared a non-prejudicial interest in Item 8 Neath Port Talbot Local Area Energy Plan as he works for Transport for Wales.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 245 KB

For the Committee to approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 10/01/2024 and the 09/02/2024.

Additional documents:


This item was omitted due to clerical error.


This item was omitted due to a clerical error.


Update on the implementation of measures in the Waste Strategy Action Plan (to follow)


The report was noted.


The Chair thanked officers for putting together the update report, which members had felt was comprehensive and complimented the report.


Members noted that on page 33 it of the report it listed the fine for not meeting the waste target set by Welsh Government as £200 per ton over the target. Members felt that it may be best to reword it based on an estimate of the total amount by percentage over the target, as it may have more impact.


Members felt that questions 1 and 2 in the questionnaire are very similar and could be amalgamated for ease of understanding and increasing engagement.


Officers noted that the figure for each 1% has been worked out and they could take that on board, officers also accepted the idea of amalgamating the two questions when they finalise the questions put forward in the consultation.


Members suggested that the frequency of the collections question was not necessary, due to the leader of the council stating that this wouldn’t be changing to three weekly collections.


In relation to charging for green waste, members were concerned that it would create a negative effect on the environment as people may burn the waste themselves or start to put in with normal waste or even dump it.


Members also enquired how many councils have paid a fine to Welsh Government so far.


Officers clarified that they can’t comment on any political statements and that they are quite clear that in April 2023 there was a formal decision to carry out a consultation and this part of the action plan is to fulfil that decision taken in April 2023.


In relation to green waste, officers said they would explore in the consultation what would happen to green waste as well as plastic waste. Officers advised that the recycling and refuse vehicles are up for renewal and this is the appropriate time to consider the types of vehicles they need to purchase so they have the right ones for the next 7-9 years.

Members were advised that some councils have had fines from Welsh Government, but officers didn’t have the detail of whether they had paid.


Members advised that they don’t think there is any way of monitoring how much garden waste might be incinerated by the public or put into the normal waste. Officers advised members that the cabinet members were present and they were sure the feedback from Scrutiny members would be considered along with everything that comes in from the public consultation.

Officers were asked about the absorbent hygiene product waste as the feedback from the public to members was that the boxes are too small and asked if this suitability of the boxes would be reviewed.


Officers confirmed the size can be reviewed and that unfortunately, the feedback given to residents as to what the purpose of the bins were, was perhaps not as good as it should have been. Members were advised that the idea is that these bins are not a storage  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Update on the implementation of measures in the Waste Strategy Action Plan - Reports pdf icon PDF 325 KB

Additional documents:


The report was noted.


The report was noted.


Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)


Item 6: Shared Prosperity Funded (SPF) Business Anchor Project - Enhance Business Support for Growth and Innovation – Update


The report was noted.


Item 8: Neath Port Talbot Local Area Energy Plan


The report was noted.



Item 6: Shared Prosperity Funded (SPF) Business Anchor Project - Enhance Business Support for Growth and Innovation – Update

The Chair noted that members appreciated the level of detail and information that was presented in the report and despite the detail it wasn't overly long, which was something members appreciated.

Members asked about page 44 of the report where it relates to the sustainability of the jobs. Members noted that the report expressed concern that once the funding for the project ceases, that people may leave and with it a lot of experience will be lots. Members wondered if there were any prospects for future funding or any thoughts about how to avoid losing staff.

Officers explained that towards the end of a scheme, staff start looking for other employment as they have no guarantee of future employment, and the authority ends up losing some very good staff and experience. The Chief executive has emphasised the need to make sure that officers can get things in place to retain all the staff needed.

Members were advised sometimes a buffer is needed to be able to keep the staff because otherwise another long recruitment process would need to happen thereafter.

The authority missed the first part of the scheme in terms of having the resources needed to start delivering because they are still at recruitment phase because of the gap between the end of a fund and the beginning of another. Officers are hopeful that they will put something together to make sure that all the staff that they need to retain will stay.

Officers commented that the age profile of staff means that succession planning is going to be an issue as well as losing some young people who could possibly start a career in this field but uncertainty around the funding and how long they will be able to keep them.

Officers have expressed their concerns to UK Government regarding the uncertainty of the bidding process. Officers advised that the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) has been very good for the authority, but they really need SPF two to be announced sometime before SPF one comes to an end because that continuity would give officers a much longer delivery. Members were informed that SPF has allowed flexibility with the funding to react to things that are happening, for e.g. The Tata steel situation and has allowed officers to start doing some work with some of the companies they know are going to be impacted within the supply chain.

Officers stated that having continuity would be huge and have expressed that to the UK Government and whilst they are very sympathetic there's no clear direction that they will continue to do it at this stage.

Officers confirmed that the current end date for the project was March, and the major concern is that they have got a lot of momentum with the grant scheme, but it looks like they will have to close it down in December this year unless an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There was none.


There was none.


Access to Meetings

Access to Meetings to resolve to exclude the public for the following item(s) pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s

To select appropriate private items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members).


Item 14: Proposed Disposal of Residential Development land at Blaenbaglan.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


Item 15: Proposed Renewal of the Lease to the Council of the Public Library on the first floor of Aberavon Shopping Centre, Port Talbot.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


Item 14: Proposed Disposal of Residential Development land at Blaenbaglan.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


Item 15: Proposed Renewal of the Lease to the Council of the Public Library on the first floor of Aberavon Shopping Centre, Port Talbot.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.