Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Alison Thomas Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There
were no declarations of interest received. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received. |
To consider items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme Decision: The committee considered the items selected from the Cabinet
Forward Work Programme. Minutes: The committee considered the items selected from the Cabinet
Forward Work Programme. |
Decision: Following
scrutiny, members noted the report and the suggestions and view put forward by
the committee. Minutes: Members considered the report as circulated within the agenda pack. Officers outlined the various savings and income generation proposals which
fall within their remit. Members were reminded that this item is not part of
the formal consultation process but is an opportunity for officers to provide
an early indication on initial thoughts in relation to the budget. The Director of Strategy and Corporate Services outlined that the
directorate was considering how to streamline its processes but continue to add
value to all services and other directorates. The Director confirmed that the
directorate has the smallest overall budget, amd 90% of this budget is
attributed to staff costs. The Director outlined the number of staff currently
within the directorate and indicated that there is currently consideration for
a reduction of 21 posts within the directorate. There are no specific details
on the reduction in posts. The Chief Digital Officer went through the budget items assigned to him,
which includes the digital teams and the CCTV across the authority. During
23/24 the service has achieved a saving of £429,000. The mobile phone savings identified, are targeting areas of the contract
where further savings can be made. It is noted that these are likely to be the
last of the savings that will be able to be made from the mobile phone
contracts. Consideration has been given to support other directorates, for example,
changing operating models in the environment directorate. Security arrangements
at Tregellis Court have been assessed and changes have been made utilising AI
and the CCTV provisions in place. This has allowed a significant savings for
the Environment Directorate to be made through a reduction in physical onsite
security and has also brought some extra money into the CCTV provision. This
technology will also be utilised in The Quays in the next financial year. The service remodelling identified relates to the staffing structure for
the division. All staff within the service area have been written to, asking if
they would consider early retirement, voluntary redundancy, reduced working
hours or flexible retirement. Once received, all expressions of interest will
be reviewed on a risk-based assessment approach, to identify if any of the
posts could be released and removed from the structure. It was noted that a
large part of the saving has already been realised through one vacant post and
two voluntary redundancies. Members queried how large the team is currently and what is the minimum
number that the team can operate at. There are currently around 90 posts within
Digital Services overall. However, to assess the minimum number to operate
would be difficult as it depends which function within the service is
considered and the risks associated with that service area. Members expressed their concern at staff who are potentially lone working due to the AI and CCTV provision put in place on Council premises instead of security guards. Further, the increased pressure on staff on the frontline when requests are made to the service desk and any potential effect remodelling ... view the full minutes text for item 3a |
To consider items from the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme ·
No scrutiny committee Forward Work Programme items to be considered. Decision: There were no items to consider from the scrutiny committee
forward work programme. Minutes: There were no items to consider from the scrutiny committee
forward work programme. |
Performance Monitoring There
are no performance monitoring items to be considered. Decision: There
were no performance monitoring items to consider. Minutes: There
were no performance monitoring items to consider. |
Selection of items for future scrutiny ·
Cabinet Forward Work Programme ·
Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Decision: Members
agreed to add the following item to the Forward Work Programme: · Third Sector Grants and
Commissioning Arrangements – 28th November 2024 Members
noted the Forward Work Programme. Minutes: Members
agreed to add the following item to the Forward Work Programme: ·
Third Sector Grants and Commissioning Arrangements – 28th
November 2024 It
was confirmed that the budget scrutiny committee meeting would be taking place
on Monday 13th January 2024. Members
noted the Forward Work Programme. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section
100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items. Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |