Agenda and draft minutes

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Strategic Planning Sub-Committee - Monday, 18th September, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Chloe Plowman - Email: 

No. Item


Welcome and Chairs Announcements


The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of Interests


There were no declarations of interests received.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 148 KB


The Committee were presented with the Terms of Reference of the Strategic Planning Sub Committee of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


It was explained that the Terms of Reference were presented to the Corporate Joint Committee, along with the other Sub Committee Terms of Reference, in October 2022.


Members were informed that the document set out the overarching aim of the Sub Committee; along with the functions and makeup of the Committee.

RESOLVED: That Members note the terms of reference of the Strategic Planning Sub-Committee


Strategic Planning Update Presentation pdf icon PDF 188 KB


Members received a presentation in regards to the ongoing work relating to the Strategic Development Plan (SDP).

Officers provided a brief overview in regards to the governance of the Strategic Planning Sub Committee; and confirmed that the lead Chief Executive for the SDP was Pembrokeshire Council, and that the political lead was Neath Port Talbot Council.

The Committee was informed that South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee agreed to a number of priority steps in its Corporate Plan for 2023-28, which related to the SDP. It was explained that the first step was to engage with Welsh Government on the Draft SDP Manual, and to further engage with Welsh Government regarding resources; Officers confirmed that both of these actions had been completed.

The second priority noted was to prepare a delivery agreement which set out the time scales for the preparation of the SDP; with the final step being the work surrounding developing the SDP.

Officers provide Members with an indication of what actions had been completed to date:

·        In December 2022, informal comments were submitted to Welsh Government in respect of the SDP Manual;

·        The Welsh Government formal consultation on the SDP Manual had yet to be undertaken, as it was expected to take place during summer 2023;

·        Updated Welsh Government with concerns in regards to the lack of resources to progress the SDP;

·        Undertaken a Joint Local Housing Market Assessment, a Regional Viability Study, a South West Wales Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment and a National Growth Area Refinement Study.

·        Working on a Nutrient Credit Trading Scheme on a regional basis, along with a Joint Economic and Housing Growth Assessment for Swansea and Neath Port Talbot;

·        Re-established the Mid and South Wales Minerals and Waste Planning Group, which now meets on a quarterly basis


It was highlighted that the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee had set the Sub Committee budget for the 2023/24 financial year, at £20,000 per Sub Committee; this was reflected in the option to do minimum, for each of the work streams.  

The presentation detailed the current priorities for Officers across the region in regards to the progression of the SDP; the number one priority being to liaise with Welsh Government in regards to the release of the SDP Manual consultation in order to begin the development of the delivery agreement. Another priority noted was to work collaboratively to undertake further regional studies; this will form the evidence base for the SDP in the future.

The challenges surrounding resources was raised, with particular mention of the budget and staffing pressures. It was also noted that the constituent Councils were experiencing issues in regards to recruitment of experienced planning staff, which affects the regional work relating to the SDP.

A discussion took place in regards to the National Parks, and their involvement with the development of the SDP. It was explained that National Parks had a number of obligations in terms of impact assessments, along with the Sandford Principle which set out to ensure that National  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 504 KB


Members were provided with the Forward Work Programme for the Strategic Planning Sub Committee.


The Forward Work Programme was noted.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA (6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were no urgent items received.